JMBM Development Rights Newsletter / Spring 2011
In the Spring 2011 edition of the JMBM Development Rights Newsletter, you will find the following articles:
Eldercare Crisis Looming
Ben Reznik discusses the need for eldercare facilities in residential areas, and whether cities and neighborhoods will include them. “In the past few years we have seen several types of new private eldercare facilities, such as independent living and assisted living pop up in the LA area, mostly in more affluent neighborhoods. But make no mistake: neither LA nor the rest of the nation is prepared to properly care for and house the emerging elderly population.” Read more »
JMBM Proposes Amendments to CEQA
Sheri Bonstelle explains changes JMBM attorneys, along with the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, have proposed to the California Environmental Quality Act. “Hollywood Chamber president, Leron Gubler, stated that thousands of construction and permanent jobs were lost in Hollywood, because CEQA lawsuits against eight key projects delayed the developments for one year to eighteen months. As a result, owners decided to put their projects on hold or abandon construction, because either the project lost financing backing or the onset of the recession eliminated the anticipated market.” Read more »
Court Decision Changes CEQA Related Traffic Impact Analyses
Neill E. Brower discusses a recent court decision that changes the way traffic impacts are prepared for CEQA analysis. “Absent a clear and compelling reason to do otherwise, developers should ensure the lead agency publishes an NOP and pegs the analysis—all of the analysis—to that date. Also, a redeveloper who will use trip credits from the preceding use should carefully consider issuing an NOP while the existing use remains in operation.” Read more »
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